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Research commissioned by the Department for Education shows missing school for even a day can mean a child is less likely to achieve good grades, which can have a damaging effect on their life chances.  At Greenpark Academy our aim is to work with parents to ensure that all our pupils receive the most from their education and reach their full potential.

If your child cannot attend school for any reason you must advise the school office or your class teacher before 9.15am, on the day that they are absent.  

If you do not contact the school office before 9.15am, the absence will be recorded as unauthorised. You need to contact the school every day your child is absent.

If the school does not receive a request for leave, the Headteacher will be unable to consider your individual circumstances and the absence will be recorded as unauthorised.

Action taken by the school:

  • Once a month each child’s attendance is monitored – if it is above 95% no further action will be taken, but it will be monitored the following month.

  • If attendance is, or drops to between 90% and 95%, a letter of concern will be sent to parents. 

  • If attendance continues to drop below 90% we will set up a School Attendance Contract.  Attendance will be reviewed after one month to see if improvement has been made.

  • If the School Attendance Contract fails to improve attendance the next stage will involve the local authority attendance team.  This will involve entering into the Fast Track procedure which may result in a Court Hearing or Fixed Penalty Fine.

For information about lunch and break times, please contact your class teacher on Class Dojo.

For further information, please view our attendance policy which can be found on the policies page.